Boost Your Confidence with Brain Hacks to Build Self-Belief


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First of all, what do I mean by a brain hack?

A brain hack is a way to optimise the way your brain operates, modifying some of your thinking patterns. Brain hacks? Who has time to work on themselves? Even if you're like many people, there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything you want or need to do.

You're caught up in various obligations involving everything from work, to shopping, to cleaning, driving the kids, and even maybe caring for your elderly family members. It's never ending, isn't it? How can you find time to modify your thinking habits? This, of course may be your self-belief slowing you down, but the last thing you need is to put yourself on the back burner.

Why? Because you need self-belief if you're going to succeed in life. Thankfully, there's help. 

Here are five brain hacks guaranteed to build your belief in yourself without taking up a lot of extra time. 

1. Notice How you Talk to Yourself.

Put a stop to negative self talk, instead, flip it and substitute positive variations on what's being said.

If that internal voice gets you down, it's time to ask your inner critic. Is that 100% true? Invariably, it's not. So tell it to shut up and go find somewhere else to live. Replace lies with truths about how much you've already done and how terrific you really are. 

2. Affirmations. 

I'll be honest with you here. Not everybody loves affirmations, but for the people that do, they swear by them, the only thing you'll know for sure is to create an experiment for yourself. So here's what you're going to do to make them work with minimal effort. First, pay attention to what you say to yourself that undermines your self-belief and notice the accompanying feeling.

Ooh, not great. Then write out several statements instead that encourage and support you. Now play around with these statements until you get a positive feeling inside that makes you go, yay. Write them on sticky notes and put them in surprising places where you'll find them as you go about your daily life.

Commit to reading them when you see them. Read them out loud daily. After a while, you'll find you start believing them. 

3. Work your Unconscious.

The beauty of our brains is that we don't always realize how much is being processed outside our awareness. Won an award? Put it where you can see it. That letter of commendation, why not frame it. Having positive reminders around the house or even in your office that trigger feelings of confidence and contentment, further boosts your self-belief and confidence.

4. Journal.

When you write things down, you process them better. Keep a journal and write about your achievements each day. Recognize tiny achievements, not only the big ones. Add anything that inspires you and pay attention to your positive growth. Reread previous passages to remind you of how far you've come.

Remember, you don't need to write a lot. These are reminders to help you become even more of who you are. 

5. Meditate.

You don't have to be a Buddhist monk or dedicate an hour for meditation to be effective. Taking even 10 minutes or less to empty your mind and relax will help you focus inward.

Look out of the window at a bird or a tree. Focus on it. Notice the feathers, the leaves or the movement. If you have a little more time, try a guided meditation or focus on one of your affirmations for an extra positive jolt, allowing yourself to engage fully with it. 


These five suggestions don't need to take long to be effective. You'll probably find one or two that work best for you, so focus on them. The key is to repeat these steps daily until they become a habit, and before you know it, your confidence will increase. Self-belief is ready to open the door to a more productive, happy, and successful life.

That's all for now. Till next time.



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