Boost Your Confidence with Brain Hacks to Build Self-Belief
Why? Because you need self-belief if you're going to succeed in life. Thankfully, there's help.
Here are five brain hacks guaranteed to build your belief in yourself without taking up a lot of extra time.
Why is Knowing What you can Control Important?
When you focus your energy and efforts on things within your control rather than those outside your control, you'll develop greater self-awareness, resilience, and personal empowerment.
Achieving Emotional Balance at Work - 4 Strategies
Emotions are powerful things and can sometimes overwhelm you with joy or anger depending on the situation. The question is how effectively do you manage your emotions especially at work so you achieve your goals?
Tips for Coping with Emotional Overload at Christmas 🎄
Emotional Overload
Christmas is coming, and many people find they experience emotional overload and an increase in stress. It may be memories of Christmas past, the pressure of too much to do, or unrealistic expectations.
Make Friends with your Appetite and Create your Healthy Weight
Are you struggling to achieve your healthy weight?
Many people struggle with weight and often times it is because they have not made friends with their appetite. When your appetite is not your friend it means you are ignoring it and its messages. The messages that tell you, you are physically -not emotionally - hungry and once you have eaten that you are satisfied and so stop eating.